In September of 2008, I submitted my first movie on newgrounds. It was a stop motion claymation. It got blammed.

After it got blammed, I used it as a profile picture in 2008 up until around 2012.
I no longer have a file for the movie. It is lost forever. From what I can remember, it was around over a minute in length. It was like watching knox’s klay world. Except that it wasn’t as smooth.
It started with the two green clay people talking to each other when suddenly the clay men in the background get killed by a guy with a chainsaw as a hand. The two green clay people collapse in fear. The green clay man with the bigger head gets his head cut off by the chainsaw man. The other clay man runs away.
We then see a small group of clay man fight the chainsaw man. Eventually defeating him when there’s only one guy left. The guy cheers and the movie ends.
How this got blammed I have no idea. Had just one or two more people gave it a decent vote and review and this would have never of gotten blammed.
After that I submitted two video submissions. They weren’t flash, they were video. Embarrassing lol. I didn’t understand that newgrounds had to be flash or stop motion. Even though I have seen live action video submissions not get blammed. That caused me to leave in 2009 and not come back for three years.
As much as I like newgrounds, it is also confusing. How can decent content get blammed but a crappy one frame joke not get blammed?
I have over 30 animations created. They won’t be released on here unfortunately.
Instead I will be releasing stop motion!
Soon you will see stop motion!